In an online edition of an established newspaper I found the article "What the French laugh about". Well, if this self-made YouTube clip gains the attention of a journalist, then he or she has nothing else to talk about or there must be something to it. So I watched this clip about two (tom?)cats and their impression battle that somebody had used as footage to some creative ideas. You don't need to speak French to get this:
As simple as it seems, animals in advertising always result in a, as the Swiss call it, "Jööö-Factor", an impression of sympathy and a smile on the face. We see animals in advertising all the time, check out this one promoting Swiss fruit and veggies - a professional approach:
Sticks in the memory, right? At least to a native Swiss understanding the message in Swiss German ;) With modern technology, and mobile or desktop devices everybody can film the dog or the cat or the budgie, synchronize it and make some funny stuff with it. Your budgie does not necessarily have to bring your product message across, but such clips can contribute to customer loyalty and a larger outreach by word of mouth propaganda, if used wisely on your products' web site and blog. Try it out.
And here's the mother of all self-made animal synchs - 99 Million views today - enjoy:
PS: Unfortunately, I don't have a pet ...