31 October 2013

Recommendation: A vital branch of Maltese history

Times of Malta 27/10/2013: Mark Camilleri: From Colonialism to Mintoffianism – Malta, a Transition from a British Commercial Economy, Self-published, 2012. 245 pp.
Throughout the years, hardly an episode or period of Maltese history remained uncovered. Maltese historiography did not tackle enough economic history as much as other spheres.

Mark Camilleri is a young, talented graduate; his focal point of research is Maltese economic history, in the light of the prevalent political and economic theories.

He examines Maltese economy from the time it was almost exclusively moulded to cater to imperial interests, to the epoch when successive Maltese governments could suit national needs.

The term colonialism needs no definition, while ‘Mintoffianism’ does. The appellation Mintoffianism is bound to attract or repel, especially those who, as the author put it, perceive Dom Mintoff as...read on.