MaltaIndependent 19/11/2013: The main
objectives of the National ICT Strategy are for citizens, businesses and
government to use technology to improve the quality of life and to
create value-adding
jobs. The strategy, which covers the period 2014 – 2020, addresses
Malta’s needs to harness the power of ICT to move into fifth gear and
become an innovative economy. Importantly, the strategy aligns itself
with the Digital Agenda for Europe and the EU programming period
2014-2020. The strategy builds upon several positive points within this sector.
ICT contributes to 5.2% of the national Gross Domestic Product which is
among the highest in Europe. There is political consensus on ICT
development and the strategy comes at a time when society is embracing
technological changes and advancements.
Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) Head of Strategy and
Planning, Emanuel Darmanin explains that market data published by the
Malta Communications Authority at the beginning of the month indicates
that the island continues to experience competition growth in electronic
communications markets. Against a backdrop of declining prices,
internet connectivity and mobile telephony markets grew significantly in
terms of take-up and usage levels in the first half of 2013. The number
of fixed broadband subscriptions reached well on.