Times of Malta 05/01/2014:Malta is moving in the right direction on most of the big challenges
facing the country. The economy is growing, and in the short time we
have been in office we have enacted some vital reforms.
I have no doubt that 2014 will be a particularly busy year in
government; there is still an enormous amount of work to be carried out.
The Maltese people elected us to improve their lives and that is what
we are duty bound to do.
When I look back on the election I think we can all be proud of what a
mature democracy we live in. I pay tribute to my predecessor, Lawrence
Gonzi, for the service he gave his country, and to our President, George
Abela, for overseeing the transition of government and representing all
While we came into office with an ambitious plan for change we were
also careful to maintain stability. We sent a message to the rest of the
world that Malta was a stable, dynamic country offering tremendous
benefits for those who wanted to do business here...read on.