4 August 2014
Malta’s bilateral relations, our allies and windows of opportunity
Malta Independent 26/07/2014: Even though Malta’s cooperation with neighbouring North African, Asian
and European countries has blossomed and yielded significant results
over the years, our closest bilateral relations are undisputedly with
the United Kingdom. Be it because Malta was a British colony for a
significant period of time or otherwise, Maltese governments have worked
hand in hand with British governments. While cooperation with the
United Kingdom should continue and expand, I believe that other windows
of opportunity exist for Malta, and it should seize each and every
opportunity to strengthen its foreign relations. Such relations have,
very recently, led to major investments from Asian countries such as
China, which were described as groundbreaking. However, we don’t
necessarily need to look as far as China because opportunities exist for
closer cooperation with neighbouring Mediterranean countries...read on.