Publisher-turned-author Mark Vella tells us that his debut novel,
‘X’Seta Gralu Lil Kevin Cacciattolo?’ made him realise that Malta is
actually far bigger, and far more mysterious, than we give it credit
Malta Today 10/09/2014: “The thing is, I live in Luxembourg,” Mark Vella tells me roughly
mid-way through our conversation about his debut novel, the
Merlin-published X’Seta Gralu Lil Kevin Cacciattolo?, a two-tiered story
looping back and forth between the 80s and the 90s in Malta, much like
the cassette tape that the titular – and ultimately elusive –
protagonist keeps like a talisman.
“But though Luxembourg is much bigger than Malta, it’s also a
lot more polished and gentrified – a bit like a gated community. So a
walk on.