Leading Danish
politicians and businesses believe the circular economy is about to
become a mega trend in Europe. Now they get backing from a new study
which lists the enormous economic benefits which following a better use
of resources. A new EU plan is in the works.
Nordic Labour Journal 27 November 2015: The EU Commission will soon present a plan for making the EU a
so-called circular economy — which would mean introducing a completely
new level of waste recycling. Even though the Nordic countries are
leading the way globally when it comes to recycling, they have so far
only benefited from a very small part of the environmental and
economical advantages which can be achieved by a better use of
These are some of the conclusions in a brand new analysis of the
potentials a circular economy would bring to Denmark, ‘The potential
for Denmark as a circular economy’, which was launched on 25 November
2015 and discussed by leading Danish politicians, civil servants,
businesses and experts during a conference in Copenhagen hosted by the
Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)...read on.